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from Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj

Costume: Traje de Venado, Dance of the Deer2016.05.0001A (2016.05.0001A)
133.3 x 96 x 3.15 cm (3442 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje de Venado, Dance of the Deer2016.05.0001B (2016.05.0001B)
29 x 18 x 17 cm (200 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Costume: Traje de la Conquista, Dance of the Conquest2016.05.0002A (2016.05.0002A)
129 x 103 x 63 cm (1794 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje de la Conquista, Dance of the Conquest2016.05.0002B (2016.05.0002B)
58 x 27 x 2.22 cm (212 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Costume: Traje del Mico, Dance of the Monkey2016.05.0003A (2016.05.0003A)
138 x 140 cm (1,176 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje del Mico, Dance of the Monkey, Hat2016.05.0003B (2016.05.0003B)
34 x 18 x 17 cm (184 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Costume: Traje del Mico, Dance of the Monkey, Mask2016.05.0003C (2016.05.0003C)
25 x 19 x 14 cm (438 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Recreational Artifacts : Public Entertainment Devices

Costume: Traje del Torito, Dance of the Bull2016.05.0004A (2016.05.0004A)
124 x 103 x 4.4 cm (2785 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje del Torito, Dance of the Bull2016.05.0004B (2016.05.0004B)
27.5 x 10 x 21 cm (161 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Costume: Traje del Brujo, Dance of the Witch Costume, Hat2016.05.0005D (2016.05.0005D)
42 x 8.5 cm (310 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Costume: Traje del Vaquero, Dance of the Cowboy2016.05.0006A (2016.05.0006A)
130 x 109 x 3 cm (2008 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Costume: Traje del Brujo, Dance of the Witch, Jacket2016.05.0005A (2016.05.0005A)
104 x 80 x 57 cm (963 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje del Brujo, Dance of the Witch, Pants2016.05.0005B (2016.05.0005B)
92 x 54 x 40.5 cm (545 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje del Brujo, Dance of the Witch Costume, Wig2016.05.0005C (2016.05.0005C)
35 x 17 cm (100 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Costume: Traje del Vaquero, Dance of the Cowboy, Cape2016.05.0006C (2016.05.0006C)
111 x 58 x 4.59 cm (1236 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje del Vaquero, Dance of the Cowboy2016.05.0006B (2016.05.0006B)
65 x 39 x 21 cm (375 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Costume: Traje de Mexicano, Dance of the Mexican, Hat2016.05.0014B (2016.05.0014B)
41 x 28 x 8.5 cm (285 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje de Mexicano, Dance of the Mexican, Jacket2016.05.0014A (2016.05.0014A)
125 x 54 x 1 cm (511 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Costume: Traje de Mexicano, Dance of the Mexican, Pants2016.05.0014C (2016.05.0014C)
78 x 52 x 3.37 cm (596 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatapequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Dance Costume: Corporal: Hat2017.12.0001C (2017.12.0001C)
56.5 x 43 x 12 cm (282 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatepequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

Dance Costume: Corporal: Jacket2017.12.0001A (2017.12.0001A)
140 x 66 x 8.42 cm (1023 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatepequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Dance Costume: Corporal: Pants2017.12.0001B (2017.12.0001B)
99.5 x 56 x 2.83 cm (535 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatepequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Dance Costume: Cacique: Jacket2017.12.0010A (2017.12.0010A)
146 x 61.7 x 6.95 cm (910 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatepequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Outerwear

Dance Costume: Cacique: Pants2017.12.0010B (2017.12.0010B)
68 x 59.7 x 5.63 cm (731 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatepequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Main Garments

Dance Costume: Cacique: Hat2017.12.0010C (2017.12.0010C)
64 x 35.5 x 20.5 cm (381 g)
Location: America, Central; Guatemala; Chichicastenango, Sumpango, Santo Domingo Xenacoj; Sacatepequez Department
Period: 1980 - 1999 CE
Classification/Nomenclature: Personal Artifacts : Clothing : Headwear

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